March 15, 2015 Shorts on Tap

Shorts On Tap present: Blut, Reis und Tränen (Blood, Rice and Tears)
A film by Johannes Rosenstein.

This Thursday, March 19th at 93 Feet East 
TRUE COLOURS – 7 Short Films

In collaboration with VizyShape History and WONDERKID.

Doors open at 7pm for a chat-and-a-pint networking session
Films screening start at 8pm
Show ends approximately at 10:30pm

Special thanks to aug&ohr medien

‪#‎TrueColours‬ ‪#‎ShortsOnTap‬ ‪#‎LGBT‬ ‪#‎Equality‬ ‪#‎ShortFilms‬


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