Shorts On Tap企画: LONDON CALLING - 7 Short Films 2015年2月9日(月)19時開場@渋谷アップリンク 入場料500円(1ドリンクチケット)

ロンドンを拠点に短編映画上映イベントを行っているShorts On Tapのイギリス国外初の映画上映イベントです!

2013年末に活動を開始したShorts On Tapは、この1年で大きな成長を遂げてきました。短編映画を上映することに加えて、映像制作に携わる方々にとっての作品上映の場、交流の場を提供することを目的としています。2015年は、イギリス国外でも上映会を企画・実行し、上映する映画の幅と観客層をさらに広げていくことを目指しています。今回の東京・渋谷でのイベントはその第一歩となります。

ロンドンで映像制作に関わる人から映画愛好者まで、さまざまな人に支持されているShorts On Tapを、東京の皆様にも楽しんでいただけることを願っています。




開場:19時 (上映までネットワーキング・セッション)





Shorts On Tap present: LONDON CALLING - 7 Short Films on Monday, February 9th at Uplink X Tokio Shibuya, Udagawacho, 37−18 from 7pm. 

¥500 Entry.

Our first ever event outside of the UK. 
It's an honour and a privilege to be screening in Tokyo and we're absolutely delighted to be introducing a selection of British short films to the Japanese audience for the first time. 
This event marks the start of a series of international screenings. Latitude and longitude will meet in the name of filmmaking. We're going to bridge islands and reach new audiences, explore new ideas, learn new languages. 

Shorts On Tap is a platform for filmmakers to showcase their work and expand their network: we started screening short films at the end of 2013 in London and a little over a year later here we are in the pulsing heart of Tokyo on a new, exciting journey.
We really hope you're going to enjoy our selection of short films as much as Londoners do. This is all about getting together and celebrating the greatest art of all: filmmaking. 

We've got a super programme of short films from both the Uk and Japan which we're going to present exclusively at UpLink X. 
We would really like to thank our consulting curator Mr Karatani from The Japanese Film Industry Council whose help was precious in making this event possible. There's a mirror event taking place in London on January 22nd: Tokyo Calling. We hope you can make it to either of the two if not both. 
The event is open to everyone from film lovers to film-makers and is regularly attended by directors, actors, producers and more. 


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    A selection of 7 short films


    All photos by Ko Kawaguchi

    Get in touch with us!