Shorts On Tap present: MEET THE TAPPERS - A FREE NETWORKING EVENT FOR FILM-MAKERS AND FILM LOVERS on Thursday, March 10th at Stereo 92, 92 Stoke Newington High Street,
London N16 7NY from 7pm.
Proud to be hosting our first event at Stereo 92, in the heart of Stoke Newington.
We're going to celebrate our new Meet the Tappers home with a special screening of 'Incognito' a short film by Jeremiah Quinn.
Jeremiah and his cast&crew will be attending the event and the Q&A session after the screening.
Meet The Tappers is Shorts On Tap's free networking event happening monthly : we're discussing current film projects, starting collaborations, promoting crowdfunding
campaigns. Open to ALL: from filmmakers to film lovers to simple friends willing to have a drink and a laugh.
The Tappers are landing on February 11th at Juno, come join us, the more the merrier.