Shorts On Tap presents: THE BIG SCORE - A SELECTION OF SHORTS & DOCS ON SPORTS on Wednesday, May 2nd at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, London E1 from 6:30pm.
TICKETS: £4 online (online booking), £5 on the door.


Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life.
'The Big Score': a celebration of sports and its sense of belonging, togetherness, team.
8 works spanning across animation, documentary and drama describing, depicting, deciphering the essence of THE GAME.
Followed by Q&A sessions with the filmmakers.

Featuring a special ACT ONE performance by singer/songwriter Héllena presenting her new EP 'Kissed the Sun'.


  • DEAR BASKETBALL (05:22) USA, 2017 by Glen Keane & Kobe Bryant
  • BEING KEEGAN (26.41) UK, 2017 by Stephanie Zari
  • PANTHERS (11.53) UK, 2017 by Jake Cauty
  • SKIM FOR ENGLAND (29:45) UK, 2017 by Tom Oxenham & Hugo Nicholson
  • BORN A BELIEVER (11:30) UK, 2017 by Darius Norowzian
  • AMY (03:13) UK, 2017 by Jo Kidby
  • OSU (03:52) Netherlands, 2017 by Judith Veenendaal & Kevin Ross
  • WONDERKID (31:20) UK, 2016 by Rhys Chapman


Shorts On Tap is London's largest short film community, join the tribe on April 18th.

Doors open at May 2nd for a pint&networking session and ACT ONE live performance.
Film screenings start at 7:30pm
Q&A until 11pm

The screening room is situated at the back of the venue.
Seats are first-come-first-serve

#ShortsOnTap #LoveShortFilm 

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