Shorts On Tap present: BLOODY FOREIGNERS- 7 Short Films on Thursday, February 12th at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, London E1
from 7pm. £3 Entry.

Get ready for the ultimate wave of immigration.. the invaders are coming and they DON'T speak this language.
A mega selection of majestic short films from overseas: embrace the difference, love the accent, learn the lingo, bury the
sword and experience the cultural shock to the full, the Bloody Foreigners are already here.

Discussing, debating, commenting on the films with their directors.
A great opportunity to check new work, expand your network, make friends and enjoy a night out checking some great talent.


A selection of 7 short films


All photos by Daniele Roversi 

Shorts On Tap present: BLOODY FOREIGNERS- 7 Short Films on Thursday, February 12th at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, London E1
from 7pm. £3 Entry.

Get ready for the ultimate wave of immigration.. the invaders are coming and they DON'T speak this language.
A mega selection of majestic short films from overseas: embrace the difference, love the accent, learn the lingo, bury the
sword and experience the cultural shock to the full, the Bloody Foreigners are already here.

Discussing, debating, commenting on the films with their directors.
A great opportunity to check new work, expand your network, make friends and enjoy a night out checking some great talent.


A selection of 7 short films


All photos by Daniele Roversi 

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